Give your clients an international edge

Make the most of global innovation and an opportunity to invest with purpose.


How we're different

Why choose AtlasTrend for your clients.

An alternative investment with street appeal

We're not affiliated with any of the Big 4 banks and this appeals to your client's need to seek independence.

Invest with purpose

Our managed funds (which we call Trends) align to client's values and interests. They provide a way for your clients to access relatable assets that mean something to them.

Open up a world of global investing

There's a whole world beyond the ASX, property, and term deposits. Give your clients an international edge with managed funds that take the stress out of investing globally.


There's no hidden fees or commissions paid to advisers. Our fees are lower when compared to other active investment options and are clearly explained.

Portfolios designed for growth

We focus on good quality companies with strong, long-term growth prospects. Each Trend has 12-15 top rated companies with US$1 billion + market value. A long-term outlook suits wealth accumulators and can be a valued edition to diversified portfolios.

Professionally managed, transparent reporting

Investments professionally managed by our team of experts with 50+ years of combined financial experience. Easy for you and your investors to track performance, receive Annual Tax Statements and access to latest performance 24/7.

Big Data Big Fund


since launch to 31 May 2024
(+12.97% p.a.)*
see more


Top rated companies per fund


Market cap, listed on
developed market stock
exchange excluding ANZ


Years of combined
financial experience

"With the Australian sharemarket making up less than 3% of the global sharemarket, you're missing out on so much investment opportunity by not investing offshore."

Jade Ong, AtlasTrend Co-Founder

* Launch date is 9 Nov 2015. Investment returns are not guaranteed. Past performance is not reliable indicator of future performance. Refer to full disclaimer below.

Seamless set up in minutes

You should read the PDS before recommending any investments.
  • Easy to access
  • Low active management
  • Feel-good-investing +
    investing with purpose
  • Simplified reporting +
    24/7 access to performance

Explore our Trends

Learn about our global megatrends and the top stocks behind them.

Investing in the exponential growth of our digitised world.

Sample companies
  • Alphabet ("Google")
  • Apple Inc.
  • Investing in a cleaner, greener world.

    Sample companies
  • BYD Co
  • Vestas Wind Systems
  • Investing in the e-commerce revolution.

    Sample companies
  • FedEx Corporation
  • Meet the founders

    AtlasTrend was created to build a new investment service to help our customers learn and invest with purpose in long term world trends.

    Kevin Hua - Atlastrend
    Kevin Hua

    Founder, Chief Investment Officer (CIO)

    Read Bio
    Kevin Hua

    Founder, Chief Investment Officer (CIO)

    Kent Kwan - Atlastrend
    Kent Kwan

    Founder, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    Read Bio
    Kent Kwan

    Founder, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    Jade Ong - Atlastrend
    Jade Ong

    Founder, Chief Operating Officer (COO)

    Read Bio
    Jade Ong

    Founder, Chief Operating Officer (COO)

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    Join other advisers who satisfy wealth accumulators and SMSF clients with alternative, global investments that are on trend and allow them to invest with purpose.

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